Lettori fissi


domenica 9 gennaio 2011

Presentazione di Chicco

Questo é Chicco un dolcissimo cagnolino di 7 anni.

Eccolo qui mentre gioca con il suo pupazzino preferito.......

Guardate come mi guarda con quel suo sguardo affascinante.....
hehehe voleva il suo giochino!!!!

Dato che questo Natale è nevicato molto.....
Chicco è alle prese con la neve. Cerca di non sprofondare, ma intanto si diverte!

hahahahh!! è così bello che l'hanno messo sulla copertina di una rivista!!!

15 commenti:

the teacher's pets ha detto...

What an adorable dog you are, Chicco! I only wish I could understand your words because I don't know Italian. Is there a way that I could read this in English?

Mack ha detto...

Hi Chicco. You are a very handsome poochie. Thanks for visiting my bloggy!

booahboo ha detto...

Hello Chicco. You are indeed a very small dog.. and pretty darn cute too!

woofs n licks,

Libélula Noivos ha detto...

Mas olha só!
Que novidade!!!!
Vou amar vir aki, ver as novidades do Chicco!!!
Um beijão da tia que ama muito vcs!

Swimtaxi ha detto...

Google translate popped up on my screen so I was able to read your blog. Very, very cute dog.

Scooter ha detto...

Hi Chicco
YOu are way tooo cute. Very glad to meet you. I hope we can become friends and I am a follower. Nice snow huh??


Two French Bulldogs ha detto...

Hi Chicco you sure are adorable. Thank you for stopping by our blog. We will be following you around.
Benny & Lily

Oskar ha detto...

Hi Chicco, my name is Oskar. It's good to meet you.

I have a blog that you might like, www.PetBlogsUnited.com. It's a place for all pet bloggers to come together to find one another. I'd love to see you there.

Nubbin wiggles,

The Daily Pip ha detto...

Hi Chicco! Thank you for visiting my blog. I am your newest follower. I hope we can be friends.

You are so lucky to live in Italy. My mom visited Italy years ago and loved it!

Your pal, Pip

Granite State Pet Sitting ha detto...

Hello You have to be the Cutest Little dog Ever! We are now followers of you blog.

Pepsi Bum ha detto...

Hi Chicco!
Thanks for barking by my blog. I'm your newest follower.

You're cute! & you sure got some lovely snow there!


Lorenza ha detto...

Hi, Chicco!
Nice to meet you and thanks for coming to visit my blog!
I am sure we will be good friends!
Snow?? Oh-oh! That is too cold for me!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown ha detto...

Hi Chicco! You are so cute and lovely.
Thanks for dropping by our blog. We are glad to meet you here too.

♥ Sallie ha detto...

Look at that snow!


TimberLove ha detto...

Hello Chicco!! You look very good in the snow:) wooooos,

RA & Isis